Friday, February 17, 2012

So, I posted a few pictures of me with my church group.  It's funny, because I usually had a good time there.  It took a long time for me to realize that I never belonged there, I never fit in there, and was never accepted there. 

No, I will still look at those times as good and important.  But I'm no longer going to look at them as things they weren't.  Better I accept the truth than delude myself about them.

Ah well, I chalk it up as another learning experience.

- Jim

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Well, the news isn't as bad as it could be, but it's well... no news.  There are some troubling signs, there are some odd discrepancies, but in the end the only thing that can be said is that the results of the tests for my Sister were inconclusive.  Mostly.

They have mostly confirmed that she's had plenty of lesser seizures over the past days and months.  That's not good.  They also deem it likely that stress increases these events.  It's not something readily controlled and she's not so good at controlling her reactions either.

Anyway, the good news is that there's no news.  The bad news is that there's no news.

- Jim

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

May 1990 - With the Church Youth Group.

- Jim
I'm not writing in this blog as much lately.  It's not that I'm not doing anything, it's that compared to the previous stuff posted here, the stuff I do just isn't as important.  I write, a little.  I read, quite a lot.  I watch, here and there.  But, I'll be honest, these are small things.  My interests are big to me, but they pale compared to questions about life and death, about the health of family and friends, and about the possibility of... well, things I am frightened to put into words.  Words are powerful to me, and there is a feeling that to put these thoughts into printed word - even so ephemeral as the printed word of cyberspace, might be to give them more potency.

It's silly I know.  I'm silly sometimes.

My Sister finally had more tests done after they rescheduled.  She is supposed to find out about them tomorrow (Wednesday in the world).  She is handling it far better than I would, I think, but it is still quite stressful to her.  Compared to that, really none of the inane subjects I could write about really measure up.  She is more important than a news magazine I read or a show I watched. 

That being said, I did want to mention I watched part of the first episode of Comic Book Men, which details life in the comic shop of Kevin Smith, the director and actor.  I was pretty excited, since I like many of his movies, though I've not seen any outside of his View Askewnverse.  Too bad it was a reality show.  Sorry, I'm just not into Pawn Stars or any of its descendants.  I have recorded a couple episodes of Doomsday Preppers, but I'm not hopeful.

Anyway, I hope to be able to post more information about my Sister soon, but so far there isn't anything to write about there.

- Jim