Ever since I went to the hospital at the end of July, my back has been in terrible pain, made worse by sleeping. I don't know what I do in my sleep or who's been beating me unconscious, but it's been pretty close to hell. The good news is that the back pain is bad enough that I often don't feel my knee pain. Okay, it's not good news. The knee pain is still there, it's just overshadowed. I'm sure if I were stabbed or shot, I wouldn't feel my back. Somehow it seems like that escalation would quickly get out of hand.
The good news is that it's keeping at my desk more and working on more desk related things. I'm doing more reading, more watching stuff on my ever-full DVR, and even writing. It's crazy. I do have to give up my computer from time to time so my nephew can play StarCraft II, but I don't mind too much. If my back didn't hurt, I probably wouldn't mind at all.
Anyway, that's about it. Little new save the ever-increasing back pain. I have some ideas to deal with it, but those will take time. Hopefully by the next post, I'll have some improvement to report.
- Jim