I didn't finish the story by my self-imposed deadline. Part of that is simply the nature of the month of May. This is the where the whole "Month From Hell" came from and there are a lot of periods where I go to darker places. When I don't go there, I still remember them and mark the occasions. Part of it is simply the nature of the beast. It was an imperfect rushed job when I wrote it sixteen years ago, and rushing now isn't going to finish it. I refuse to spend forever on this project, but I want to make sure I do it right.
Oh yeah. May 16th. I used to mark that day too. I suppose I still do, in my own way, but with more bitterness and regret. No, I don't regret the things I had to do, but I do regret that they had to happen. I'm sure that won't matter to some, but I'm not living for the approval of others any more either.
- Jim