I've been away from my computer more lately. It doesn't help with the things I need/want to do, but it does give the kids something else to do when they're over here. Yeah, yeah, I know. They shouldn't spend their whole summer playing computer games, but the point is that they lost just about everything they owned and I'm giving them as much leeway as I think is appropriate. Besides, there've been more than a few really hot days during this period where it's unsafe to spend all day outside playing.
I don't know all the details, but they're looking at a couple houses. Life is moving on, but slowly. It's probably too slow for them, but this is actually faster than I expected it to be. Their old house is a total loss and will be torn down. Whatever survived the fire and the burglaries was damaged by smoke, water, and the elements. Speaking of which, there was a rather destructive little storm that passed through the area. Granted, everything there was ruined already, but it didn't help matters any.
Okay, technically not everything, but close enough. There's a company that came in and is attempting to clean the stuff. Most of it is really beyond their abilities - I guess the mold is really bad. I won't be going there any time soon. I have enough problems with allergies now.
Um, that's about it. I've been reading and stuff while I have time, but it's hard with kids running around demanding attention. Apparently, though I've known this for a while, I do my best work alone. It just amazes me how much I ever got done in the olden days when I was more social.
- Jim