I haven't written in a while. Shortly after my last post, I decided I would start keeping track of how much I was writing each day - actual writing, not including notes. Of course, this number would have included things that were later cut or changed, but it would be a way to keep track of actual progress.
I made one tweet about a six hundred word day, pretty paltry I admit, and then I hurt my wrist. I'm not sure how I did it, but it is bruised and sore. It finally got bad enough after a couple days that I resorted to using a brace to keep it immobile. Because of the injury and then later because of the brace, I didn't write much at all. I got a couple pages of notes done, but I can't type with the brace on and one-handed typing is just too slow and frustrating for me. I've come a long way from my early days of computing, I guess.
Anyway, I've been keeping up with reading instead. Hopefully my time is still being used as usefully as possible.
- Jim